and me- Saurabh
moved on. We went to Majestic, took a private bus and reached the place a few km after Sakleshpur. It was 4:30 am. Believe me, it was 4:30 in the morning (you can say it night also). It was pitch black with just the half moon showing some way. Ya ya there were those trucks and buses which passed by us. We asked a guy how far was the place where the track is to start. He said it was 3Km away. So we started walking along the highway. Syed had no job so he started telling the story of Kaal-
Ya that recent movie in town. Champion Syed tries his best to make the recitation as scary as possible. I guess he succeeded when Paccha was scared to hell when Syed just held his leg. After walking for some time we saw a hotel. We stopped there to ask for directions. Just then from inside came a dog. You know what can happen next. But this dog dude was really huge. Bigger than those which bit Harsha at IISc for sure. This one was more like wolf than dog.
During this walk we saw the sun rising. It was one of the most amazing scenes one could ever see. The light shining from atop the hill tops partly covered with clouds was just too good to miss. I guess you can never see that kind of view that easily.
After walking for around an hour we reached the starting point of our trek, Donigal. Well it was an old railway station defunct since years. The track was there but the train was missing. So we first had some of the bread that Harsha had got and moved on
We started the trek walking on the old railway track. The surprised guy here was Ravi Gupta. He was amused as people call this trek and not railway track.
So he coined this amazing new term ‘Railway Trek’. It was all cool as we walked the path in the wee hours of the day. It was the coolest time of the day. After a walk for an hour or so met a few people who were laying the new train tracks. They told that there was a river close by and so we walked to that place.
Well to describe it, it was a stream. The water level was a few cm. We got rid of our shoes and waded into the water. Whoosh water was so cold. Like its just been melded out of ice. It felt pleasant. We all sat on the rocks with feet cooling off in the water. After half an hour or so, we decided to move on. But before that we rested on the lust green grass by the banks. Just then we saw some 4-5 people coming with choppers (not of US-EN). I was scared. For a moment I thought these were Naxalites. As you know we have heard a lot about it and moments ago Syed was talking about that. They came from the other bank of the stream and simply moved on crossing us. I was relieved. They turned out to be honey collectors. I guess same was on others minds too. After this we started our walk on the railway lines. We heard from people that railway track is going to be up and buzzing with trains in a year or so. I thought good we came now.
Next big thing to happen was a railway bridge.
It was a fairly long one with a deep valley below and it was the only way to get to the other side. So we had no other option. The bridge was an old one [refer above pic]. It had the log wooden plank in between to support the rails and no side bars to hold on to while crossing. It was terrifying at first sight as it was around 200-250 m in length. Pretty long walk I must say. It was dead dangerous to look at for all of us especially when looking down in the valley. After picking up all my inner strength I decided to walk it. Taking a step at a time with the heart pounding and adrenaline rushing through my blood stream I started taking on the challenge. It was cool and when I reached the middle I decided that it would be just useless if I did not look what was all around the bridge.
Oh God it was too good to see. The lust green valley, the green top trees. It was just awesome. After enjoying the nature for a few moments I decided to move on. The first step now was terrifying.
Anyway I got it and finally crossed the bridge.
Afterwards we asked some people out there how far we had to go. They said around 12 Km and there are 15 small and big bridges as well and some 8 tunnels. Ravi using his excellent Kannada Communication Skills asked if the bridge we had just crossed was chikka or dodda (small or big). The guy replied ‘chikka’!!!!
It was just plain walk looking the excellent view of nature we had. I must say the work is going at a hectic pace. Most probably in a year the train would start. It would be fabulous to go even on a train in this route. As that guy had told, there indeed were a lot of bridges. Some of them were really small. Say 20-50 m in length. But Ravi smarty avoided most of them as they had way to go from the sides thought they were a longer route. After traveling some distance we came across the tunnels.
Some of these were small as under 100m while the biggest one was nearly 600m long. The walls of the tunnels were filled with graffiti.
These ranged from declaration of love to pronouncing that they were here. Some graphics too covered the wall.
The tunnels had a cool chilling wind blowing at the mouth of it.
It provided a lot to relief from the sun which had started burning bright (Though most of the path was covered with trees). But we had a problem here.
Some of the tunnels were pitch black after we entered them. It was not walkable once we covered ¼ of the tunnel and we had JUST ONE TORCH. Thanks to me.
But the torch too was not bright enough... Smart thing, we decided to hold on to each other and Syed holding the torch moved forward. Then there was the next scary thing, the bats. The tunnels were the homes to the bats. They had clung to the wall of the tunnels which were rocky. They made a horrifically frightening sound. Plus they were flying around. We were scared of the thought of being bit by them. Most of all Harsha who had already got 4 injections, thanks to the dogs of IISc. But somehow we managed to smaller one of around 250m. The bigger test was yet to come, the one nearly 600m long. We entered it and as we entered the ‘No Light Zone’ we again held on to each other. We started walking slowly to cross the tunnel. Soon we heard noise of some engine. It was not very soothing. Suddenly came the thought that they may be blowing the tunnel with dynamite or something. But having no choice and seeing no one or any sign that there was going to be a blast we carried on. Near the half way mark we saw a tractor. It was a relief as there was plenty of light thanks to the tractor. There were people laying the new broad gauge track. So the next half was crossed easily as there were these tractors coming and going, giving us enough photons to walk easily.
It was pleasing to see the daylight back from that dark and treacherous tunnel.
After we came out from there, there was this beautiful bridge above a lovely deep valley.
The beauty of the bridge was that it was curved. It reminded me of the one in ‘Chaiya Chaiya’ song. It was so beautiful that for once I forgot that I was to cross it. This was a tricky situation. A curved bridge with no hand rails. Amazing. But we moved on to cross it. After walking close to the middle of the bridge I looked around. It was by far the most scenic view of the valley and hills I had seen. After this I had a lot of experience in crossing these bridges so I walked about without much trouble.
The next big thing to happen was the most horrible thing that could ever happen. We were in front of a bridge which was being repaired. This one had no one attending it and there was no throughway. The bigger challenge was that it was really big. I guess as long as around 300m. We started walking the bridge thinking it to be of the usual type. But this had iron beams instead of wooden planks to give support to the rails. The most unusual thing was that the beams were not fixed properly and the bridge wobbled. Taking all our guts we held on the rails and started moving in that direction. It seemed easy. But there was a catch.
I saw that after a short distance there were no rails. I was shocked at the very thought. I was the man in front. So we reached the end of the rail somehow.
Next what?? Syed suggested we now hold on to the beams and move. This was a tough task but after some real trouble, we made it across to the other side. We were now totally exuberant about crossing the bridge.
After this there was nothing much of an excitement except for the slopes which were covered with nets to check erosion.
We continued our trek and finally reached Erakumari, the end of our destination. There we asked someone about the way to the highway. He told us to follow the jungle trail. It was a steep decent down. But it was very exciting to do such a thing. Better than the one we do for out college sometimes. But Paccha wanted to go to the nearest stream and enjoy there for sometime before we could move forward. But everyone was against him and he had no choice but to come with us to the highway. I must say here Paccha had a great luck. He asked for a stream and he got it as we walked on the trail to the highway. Seeing the stream we decided that we must take a bath here before moving on.
So first Paccha, then me followed by Syed and Ravi jumped into the water. Harsha did not. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know. He somehow kept out of the water.
Much coaxing by us did not help. After an hour inside the water we decided to move on. This time Harsha was leading the way. At a few distance there was a bifurcation in the trail, one leading to left and other as you said it right. Our leader Harsha took the left trail. I all along having doubts even telling them but with no response followed the leader. After walking for nearly half an hour we met a man who told that we were the wrong way. The way to highway was left. So we had to go all the way back and then we got on the right way. Finally we reached a place where we could see the highway. The only thing separating us from the highway was the river. But there were these huge rocks over which we stepped and crossed the river. Finally we were there.
We asked for lift from a truck, which we got. We all got and sat in it. Harsha was in a great position. It seemed as if the gear handle of the truck was coming from inside his that place. Anyway the truck was very uncomfortable and Harsha almost puked there. So we got down at Upenangadi, a small town. We had our dinner there and waited for the bus to take us to Bangalore. By now our legs were totally worn-out. They were aching and we were barely able to move. Somehow we were doing something. There was a KSRTC RajHamsa but it was totally packed so the only option left was to go to Mangalore and get any bus. Sadly by the time we reached there it was late, the buses had left.
There was one private bus. We booked 5 tickets for it.
Bad luck prevailed and when the bus came it had just 2 seats left. We started hunting for a lodge. There were 2 lodges nearby but they were full. Left with no option we decided to pass the night sitting on the bench at the Bus Stand. Morning we left and reached Bangalore. Safe but I can’t say sound. All of us had cramps in the legs and moving around was difficult to say the least.
india is beautiful mate.. its awesome.. go interiors, its amazing.. and looks like an awesome trip you had.. njoy.. ciao.
loafers didnt take me with them...
Feels nice to see that the trip of a lifetime was immortalized on the pages of a blog... I myself had forgotten a lot of the occured events.
Thanks for the effort 100rabh!!
I surely feel writing this blog was worth it. But it would not have had been possible without you getting that camera and putting those pics in between this text.
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